It’s All About the Local.
The Delano Union Elementary School Teachers Association, (DUESTA), is a 1977 charter of the California Teachers Association (CTA) and is also affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA). The lion’s share of your dues dollars go to CTA, however; the lion’s share of the work in protecting your collective bargaining rights goes to DUESTA. We are a local organization of volunteers because all members, including those in the highest leadership positions, maintain a full teacher’s workload in addition to their union duties. Here I use the word “teacher” to include all in our bargaining unit. The common thread that holds us together is the fact we provide direct services to the students of Delano in the K-8 public education system as: regular or special education teachers, speech pathologists, psychologists, nurses or those members who act in support positions.

Our core mission is to provide you with the best possible services to ensure your professional rights under the collective bargaining agreement. We are here to make things fair and to ensure equitable treatment for each and every member. DUESTA is an agency fee organization and every teacher is required to have dues deducted from his/her monthly pay, though a few opt out because of their religious views and pay instead to a non-profit charitable organization. There are many benefits to being a member including the exclusive right to low-cost income protection and legal services, in addition to the handsome package of health and welfare benefits that DUESTA has fought to maintain.

We are only as strong as our weakest link, or so the saying goes, and it’s true. Each and every member needs to become educated as to his/her rights under our collective bargaining agreement. All of us need to stand together because our profession is under attack.  DUESTA is a big tent for the diverse views and experiences of our 400 members and open and accessible to anyone regardless of age or experience. Through the years this organization has grown to become a permanent party of the community, as we now own an office at 1412 Main Street. We have a strong union; it’s up to you to keep it that way.


Contact Officers
History of DUESTA

Constitution & By-Laws
Membership Info



        California Teachers Association